
Health messages displayed at the HeARTh Gallery, Llandough Hospital, Cardiff and Vale University Hospital.
All images and art works displayed on this page were made during a collabortation with the Charity 'Mothers for Africa 2013-2014.
This series of projects involved three visits over an 18 month period. These images are reproduced with the permission of Mothers for Africa, they were ethically obtained within the project,
The Health Messages project was a joint collaboration with photographer Paul Crompton.

The Health Messages were made by all medical and administrative staff and students in Chongwe District Hospital, where it is shown here in its first public viewing within the hospital, 2014.

Cyanotypes made by the children and artists in Shyiala Village, near Chongwe, Zambia

A small display of the range of experimentation which took place whilst working on ideas for the Art in Hospital exhibition..This is within the education room in the village of Shyiala.

The cyanotypes, once framed and installed in the Chongwe District Hospital, with Job

The completed mural, based on a collaboration of the childrens' and artists' drawings.and paintings

Village gathering, at the Health Post, Zambia, 2014
All images and art works displayed in the Zambia section were made during a collaboration with the Charity 'Mothers for Africa' 2013-2014.
This series of projects involved three visits over an 18-month period. These images are reproduced with the kind permission of the Mothers for Africa charity, and were ethically obtained within the project.